Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

What's cookin' ?

Good Day!

My Name is Dita, and I'm here to blabbering about my (mostly unusual) thoughts, dreams, perspective, etc etc

Well, these days my hobby is cooking, i guess that's because the impact of my slavery to my dearest Ruang Tropis. I can proudly say that Ruang Tropis is a fruit of my labour :)
Lemme give you a little sneak peak,

And This is my first poster, pardon the inadequate quality, I make it in a very tight time.
I'm gonna make sure that i'll made the better version of this :)

So come to Ruang Tropis and you will get every (oyster) mushroom fantasies that you'll never expected before..haha :)

2 komentar:

  1. cantik sekali kedainya bibi dita, jadi pengen kencan berdua sama mas maddie di situ ;)

    boleh tuh dipajang info lebih jelas. Maksudnya alamat lengkap, hari dan jam buka, apa saja menu dan juga harganya. Lalu minta customer (yg mau hehe,,) utk ngasi testimoni.

    can wait to visit ur ruang tropis. insya Allah...
    salam, bibi dita..

  2. iya nih bunda ria..dateng dong..hehe..btw trims saran2nya mbak..iya..aku juga baru kepikiran untuk minta foto dan testimoni pelanggan hehe..ditunggu yah mbake :*
