Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

Punch Tipsy Love

Can we call this love?
Or perhaps lobe?

A touch of you sway the waves.
Your mild stare.

Sorry I don't know how to react.
We've had our disagreement.
I'm fine with agree to disagree,  but you don't sometimes.

You and your assumption,
I want you to confirm it before firm it
Sad.  Am fairly devastated.

Hid my story from you,  just to find myself staring on who views it.


You got me

Will you run?
Will you be back?

Am i like this just because you're about to leave me?
How about our dreams?  Your dream,  my dream. Will they collide?

Is this fair?
Fuck you Julio
I just want to hold you.
Let our pain and worries melt

You're gone now.  Disappeared.
Fuck your ego for wanting everyone else suffers from the loss.
I know you won't escape the pain too.

But still....
Damn it! Punches aren't enough.

It's your heart that needs to heal.
So time.. I give you time to heal.
To be freed,  to understand yourself more.

To understand which is the true essence and which is the shadow.

May you be at peace.
I dunno if I have loved you or haven't.
But today, I've got a good quote from a friend.

Love harder.

Yes.  I will do.
And not only for you.  for God, myself,  my family and everyOne.

Thank you, Julio.
May we all remember our Essence and walk the journey within.



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