Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

Adult talk

Why oh why amidst of a wedding,
They lost flavor of life.
We exchange How r u, "sehat?", how's your kids going, what's up, where do you go to work?

Are people that boring?
How come we become flat?
What did we talk bout before?

Can we ignite something, talk about random things instead?

Karl Marx's thinking perhaps,

Oh what a happy wedding.
Everything's good everything's fine.

I think they might be also more than that. Deeper.

Or maybe am i the one who swim too deep?

Well let's enjoy oneself company shall we? ;)

Kamis, 15 November 2018

D8 u

Dating at 29: Actually I don't do dates or romance other than with myself. But it seems like our soul has been in love like forever, ready to take it physical? Dude, i mean let's just walk in the park first, hand in hand is possible but let's just rather talk about sweet nothing shall we.

Photo credit: consciousbaeapp

Selasa, 13 November 2018

But, you're the Only Guy tho. Dun have no other

Terima kasih Mbak Melna, virus 80s rock balladnya 😍

Sept 10, 2016

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018

Green School Day 1

Finally at Greenschool.. #thankyou

September 13, 2013

Sitting on a Train

Sitting in train next to me were a young mother and her adorable around 5-year-old-ish daughter.

They looked cute together discussing this and that. But something struck me when i heard the mother said "it's because you're too fat- kamu terlalu gendut sih" as the mother told her daughter to lean on the seat rest while looking at the daughter who is having a hard time to squeeze her (actually not that fat, justbchubby) body into the space between her mother and me.

It made me think a lot about:

1. Why would being fat is blamed as a reason to why someone can't fit into a space. I think it's just normal if one can't always fit into a certain space.

2. Why would as if the mother seemingly blame it to the daughter? Isn't every mother the one contributed to children's food consumption and their children choices might resemble what 's being demonstrated by the parents or the environment.
I think consciously and subconsciously we pick up behaviour from our parents, thus back to this case WHY the blame is burdened to this very young daughter, whom perhaps have made some unhealthy choice of food. But still, they're just minor.

3. Wouldn't it affect the later on child's psychology, mental state and even self esteem? They will feel guilty for having certain type of body type.

I haven't had kids, and would love to have some. This writing is not intended to blame anyone. I hope that this case can be a reflection and note to myself in the future. 😊

I understand that parents must've been busy with their activities and sometimes also too tired to explain a certain concept and sometimes it's practical to just forbid or have a shortcut instruction and reasoning.

So namaste and bless you, parents 😊🙏 parenting is indeed tricky. I need to learn a lot.


April 13, 2017

Selasa, 11 September 2018

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

Ro ahombo ngusifu pamariboyandi

I really really really really really like youuuuuu..
Do you like me too?


Minggu, 12 Agustus 2018

Mispell. Mistaken

Different context in Usa and Indonesia

In the land of optimization, people tired of accuracy and routinity and not to mention different jokes.  They love how human their name spell mistakenly.

But in indonesia,  i dont thinj so.  We're so used to get lots of rejection. Thatvs way its a beautiful thing that they know our name and mention it intentionally.

No worries my dear afterall we're beyond words so. I care but i understand.

I love you.
More than ever.


Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

Punch Tipsy Love

Can we call this love?
Or perhaps lobe?

A touch of you sway the waves.
Your mild stare.

Sorry I don't know how to react.
We've had our disagreement.
I'm fine with agree to disagree,  but you don't sometimes.

You and your assumption,
I want you to confirm it before firm it
Sad.  Am fairly devastated.

Hid my story from you,  just to find myself staring on who views it.


You got me

Will you run?
Will you be back?

Am i like this just because you're about to leave me?
How about our dreams?  Your dream,  my dream. Will they collide?

Is this fair?
Fuck you Julio
I just want to hold you.
Let our pain and worries melt

You're gone now.  Disappeared.
Fuck your ego for wanting everyone else suffers from the loss.
I know you won't escape the pain too.

But still....
Damn it! Punches aren't enough.

It's your heart that needs to heal.
So time.. I give you time to heal.
To be freed,  to understand yourself more.

To understand which is the true essence and which is the shadow.

May you be at peace.
I dunno if I have loved you or haven't.
But today, I've got a good quote from a friend.

Love harder.

Yes.  I will do.
And not only for you.  for God, myself,  my family and everyOne.

Thank you, Julio.
May we all remember our Essence and walk the journey within.
