unlimited heaven

Some people says that i could've been an agnostic. hmm...well maybe i am but to look at a more analytical way..perhaps i'm not..i absolutely believe there's a God, there's a perfet conception of creation whoever the creator is..on whatever names does it stands..sometimes i called it the Universe, sometimes i called it by other name..and i do apply the basic rules or we could say golden rules on anykind of religion, maybe not really on the rituals..i do believe if i follow those golden rules (i.e. compassion, helping others, be good to yourself and others beings and universe) my life is on the right lane, and i won't make any damage to me , others, and this universe. The different is that I apply and follow those rules by basing the rules on a sufficient reason..i know that those rules made by a reason that is really logical that could be a benefit and guide to be follow and apply -not to be put on a harsh discussion but rather on a logical one- but i see the pattern that most of religious people believe to follow those rules because they afraid of God's anger and want a grant for living an afterlife on heaven eternally. I really apreciate and respect this perspective, because afterall we reach our peace on a lot's of different way. And to have even a very tiny piece of heaven we really have to work and be obidience to a massive amount of rules of the combination of rituals and golden rules (and most of qualification weight more to the rituals). And every religion have a different qualification of heaven requirement especially according to the very layer of religion entity. Somehow it makes me think that i don't want an afterlife of heaven, perhaps because ritually i don't think that i won't ever fit on the perfect measurement to execute all of the rituals. therefore until today i choose to live my life basic on golden rules and rituals that i could execute and i know have a very sufficient reason, i want to live my life to be sincere, if i want to help others i want to help them base on my willingness and empathy not because i want a proud pat on a head for being good. Well maybe i bit the forbidden fruit that cast me off from the conception of heaven on most people mind..but i do believe that God is good, and if there's a heaven on the afterlife...i believe it's opened for good people and that good qualification is maybe still unknown variable that maybe i wouldn't discover until the day i die but I am sure that the people who are given a place in heaven is not based on a very narrow qualification...and anyway why wait for heaven on the afterlife..why not creating it here, now and anywhere you go on earth..let's be good :)
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