Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Cita-cita baru

Menjelang akhir tahun 2012,
cuci gudang bukan hanya terjadi di toserba-toserba
tapi sepertinya akan terjadi juga disini

Akan saya tulis mungkin semua draft-draft post yang saya pikir terlalu konyol untuk dikeluarkan, 
who would've really read this anyway? hahaha

Jadi cita-cita baru yang terselip di otak saya, dan perlahan ingin saya wujudkan adalah:

Menjadi manusia yang bisa membawa hidupnya dalam satu tas ransel.

Saya gak tahu apakah karena hasil babak belur dari pengalaman atau tidak, 
Saya menjadi takut akan suatu bentuk kemapanan,

It's just when you get so comfortable with all of the material you've got now, 
Big chance you would really missed them when they're gone.
When the truth is, we human never possesed something, 
everything was all just borrowed,
even our own existence.

Sampai pada suatu titik saya semakin menihilkan keinginan dan memadatkan kebutuhan.

Cita-cita ini tergagas ketika saya mengantarkan salah satu teman dekat saya untuk melihat-lihat properti, katanya ia ingin mencari rumah untuk diinvestasikan atau mungkin ditinggali.

Otak saya langsung mencerna, bahwa mungkin fase ini akan datang pada saya.
Suatu saat nanti jika saya tinggal di kota yang saya tinggali ini dan saya bekerja di kota metropolitan disampingnya, dan saya sudah menikah. Saya harus mencari tempat tinggal yang strategis dengan tempat saya dan suami saya bekerja, entah itu di kota metropolitan atau di kota ini. dan jika saya ingin memenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan ataupun keinginan kami, kemungkinan gaji yang kami terima belum bisa mencukupinya, saya harus melakukan suatu bentuk investasi pada sistem moneter, entah itu tabungan, properti ataupun benda berharga lainnya. 

Banyak rentetan hal dan keterikatan pada sistem yang terjadi jika saya hidup dengan cara ini, 
dan saya merasa, saya belum sanggup menjalaninya. 
Saya butuh mencari alternatif

Mungkinkah alternatif itu ada? 
Saya pun masih mencarinya, 
dan sejauh ini saya baru menyimpulkan melakukan simplifikasi dan peleburan terhadap keinginan dan kebutuhan menjadi suatu hal yang dapat mengawali alternatif itu.

Ditambah cita-cita utama saya masih melekat bahwa saya tidak merasa hidup saya beresensi jika saya tidak menjadi manusia yang berguna dan bermanfaat bagi keseluruhan elemen alam raya ini.
Ketika kita terhimpit beban kita sendiri, bagaimana kita bisa menolong orang lain?
Namun pada akhirnya kalaupun memang saya harus menjalani kemungkinan di atas saya tidak akan menolak dan tidak bisa menolak lebih tepatnya.

Jadi, di akhir kata, tas ransel pada kalimat diatas merupakan suatu analogi dari suatu wadah hasil simplifikasi dan keseimbangan.

Semoga saya dapat menapakinya, dan saya harap anda juga :)

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Two Weeks Tale

Once upon a time, there was a boy living a life as a cinderella,
 after her princess found his matching foot with the football shoe 
left on a sport magazine photoshoot that the princess held. 

That boy was surely live happily ever after, 
with beer on his hand and beautiful princess on his side, 
what’s more can he beg....

His family was a farmer family, 
they were rich but hardworking people. 
But this boy was spoiled, 
he could not see further than his rainbow vision, 
maybe a catch of glimpse of what the other side looked like, 
he was curious but he’s still tempted to not leave his castle and loyal knights that lined up before him. 

Something’s waiting for him to be explored, 
and everything that he saw but not looked.

Therefore, I’m waiting for you, prince


The storyteller

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

lost connection?

This song is really inspiring for me, at first I'm not really paying attention to this song, but when i heard the whole lyrics, it melts me down, this is what I've been 'singing' in life, in my head most of the time.

This song could relate to many life aspect, this song on my interpretation is about doubting what you see by your sense and really look into what your thinking process yielding (Gosh! Descartes really got me! hahaha), and while most people don't really pay attention or not even knowing about those things and just follow most assumption about those mysteries, even we still don't know what's behind those mysteries but we still believe that there's gotta be more to them

so enjoy :)

Kermit the Frog

Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side
Rainbow's are visions
They're only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some chose to
Believe it
But I know they're wrong wait and see

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
And look what it's done so far
What's so amazing
That keeps us star gazing
What do we think we might see

Someday we'll find it
That Rainbow Connection
The lovers the dreamers and me
All of us under its spell. We know that it's probably magic.

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices
I've heard them calling my name
Are these the sweet sounds that called
The young sailors
I think they're one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it
There's something that I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it
The Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


i also include the video covers of the carpenters :)

unlimited heaven

Some people says that i could've been an agnostic. hmm...well maybe i am but to look at a more analytical way..perhaps i'm not..i absolutely believe there's a God, there's a perfet conception of creation whoever the creator is..on whatever names does it stands..sometimes i called it the Universe, sometimes i called it by other name..and i do apply the basic rules or we could say golden rules on anykind of religion, maybe not really on the rituals..i do believe if i follow those golden rules (i.e. compassion, helping others, be good to yourself and others beings and universe) my life is on the right lane, and i won't make any damage to me , others, and this universe. The different is that I apply and follow those rules by basing the rules on a sufficient reason..i know that those rules made by a reason that is really logical that could be a benefit and guide to be follow and apply -not to be put on a harsh discussion but rather on a logical one- but i see the pattern that most of religious people believe to follow those rules because they afraid of God's anger and want a grant for living an afterlife on heaven eternally. I really apreciate and respect this perspective, because afterall we reach our peace on a lot's of different way. And to have even a very tiny piece of heaven we really have to work and be obidience to a massive amount of rules of the combination of rituals and golden rules (and most of qualification weight more to the rituals). And every religion have a different qualification of heaven requirement especially according to the very layer of religion entity. Somehow it makes me think that i don't want an afterlife of heaven, perhaps because ritually i don't think that i won't ever fit on the perfect measurement to execute all of the rituals. therefore until today i choose to live my life basic on golden rules and rituals that i could execute and i know have a very sufficient reason, i want to live my life to be sincere, if i want to help others i want to help them base on my willingness and empathy not because i want a proud pat on a head for being good. Well maybe i bit the forbidden fruit that cast me off from the conception of heaven on most people mind..but i do believe that God is good, and if there's a heaven on the afterlife...i believe it's opened for good people and that good qualification is maybe still unknown variable that maybe i wouldn't discover until the day i die but I am sure that the people who are given a place in heaven is not based on a very narrow qualification...and anyway why wait for heaven on the afterlife..why not creating it here, now and anywhere you go on earth..let's be good :)